Monday, March 1, 2010

February is...

Black History Month. February is over. I have done NOTHING to honor Black History month. and I feel really bad about it . Initially I had planned for our family to go to the grand opening of the International Civil Rights Center & Museum, on February 1st, but one of those gigantic snow storms hit the area. Since then, the snow has come and gone. And we still haven't made it. I did end up buying the book Sit In: How Four Friends Stood Up By Sitting Down to read to my daughter. For a 2 year old, its a pretty long book. But she likes for me to read it anyway. I know she doesn't understand the concepts of segregation, integration, or things like that. Majerle doesn't understand race. She says that Mommy is brown and her and Daddy are gold.

I have walked past that historical Woolworth building a million times and never noticed/knew that it was the Woolworth lunch counter where the sit in took place. To me, it was just another empty store front that we passed on our way to the club. I don't know if all of those people who fought for equal rights would be pissed to know that or would they be somewhat pleased that people of all races and ethnicities are gathering in that same area and having a great time together. Probably a little bit of both. Sometimes I feel very conflicted. Even with knowing the history of the city I live in and the history of my family members, for the most part, I don't think about what they have gone through and experienced so that I didn't have to. But when I do take the time to reflect I am very grateful for the sacrifices they made, the battles they fought, and the passion they had for future generations.

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